- Multidisciplinary research
- Data analysis and evaluation
- Digital strategy
Researching museums, libraries and archives' digital services across Wales


Experience based digital review
Undertook extensive research across Welsh museums, archives and public libraries and produced a report outlining digital activity, processes and challenges.

Art of the possible
Reviewed commonalties, differences and opportunities as well as best practice examples across other national and international digital services.

Supporting strategy and policy
Informed the development of a Cultural Strategy and policy decisions regarding digital support.

To embark on a review of digital provision currently available across museums, archives and libraries in Wales.
This project sought to understand the current landscape, identify areas for improvement and then prioritise actions to better serve the people of Wales.
Activities would include conducting research to evaluate existing digital provision, analysing digital activities, identifying best practices and reflecting these findings to key stakeholders.

The digital review successfully provided insights, recommendations and a roadmap for enhancing the digital experience across museums, libraries and archives in Wales.
A mixed research approach provided a view of the current digital offer as well as the capacity, capability, and resources of the existing teams. Twenty museums, libraries and archives teams from across Wales were interviewed and examples of best practice in the development of digital services identified. Alongside this we researched and highlighted best practice and innovation across the sectors both nationally and internationally.

The research, both across Wales and internationally highlighted best practice examples that we analysed and evaluated. A set of evidence-based insights and priorities were developed and recommendations reviewed to support future digital users, aligned with digital trends.
We delivered a digital review which would inform the Cultural Strategy and policy decisions regarding digital activity across the Welsh museums, archives and public libraries. This was presented and delivered to senior stakeholders.
“Public Libraries in Wales / Llyfrgelloedd Cyhoeddus yng Nghymru” by National Assembly For Wales / Cynulliad Cymru is licensed under CC BY 2.0.
“Quarrymen’s Houses, National Slate Museum, Llanberis – Wales.” by Jim Linwood is licensed under CC BY 2.0.