4th Sep 2019

ReelPlatform site launch

We’ve given our product site, ReelPlatform, a revamp! After six years, ReelPlatform has grown as a product and we needed a new site to reflect this. With a new look and feel, we re-launched ReelPlatform earlier this summer in all its glory.

Early beginnings

ReelPlatform is our learning and development product, providing a better way for staff to train in today’s working environments. Beginning life as an online continuing professional development tool for teachers and practitioners in schools, it quickly evolved to support any organisation with a training need.

Adapting our offer

The world of work isn’t how it used to be. Teams are often spread geographically and getting together for face to face training is often logistically difficult and expensive.

This is where ReelPlatform steps in. It provides a better way to train in the modern working contexts, solving those potentially time-consuming issues.

ReelPlatform now supports trainers and learners across the globe to access high quality video material. In turn, this supports their learning and development.

Expanding our reach

We love our new ReelPlatform site and think it looks fabulous but don’t just take our word for it. Take a look here.

We’re always looking for new organisations to try out ReelPlatform – get in touch to find out more!